"stretch limo"

"stretch limo"
This is how I roll....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I never thought there could be anything worse, about getting older, than being called "M'am"...Wrong!!

Just the other day I was riding a full bus, there were people in the doorways, aisles, crotches and butts in those seated faces...you get the picture!  Well as the bus is clearing out...I feel a tap on my shoulder.  I'm thinking, ooh it's someone I know or a fellow "traveler" I haven't seen in a while, just as I turn around this young girl says "would you like to sit down?"  Now normally I'd turn the seat down 'cause I'm okay standing, but I take it because I think she's getting off the bus...oh no, she continues to ride even past my stop...while I'm gracious, I'm mortified...have I really gotten there!?  On the bright side, she didn't call me M'am!!!

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